People’s Gardens around the world use sustainable gardening practices.

Healthy soil

A good garden starts with healthy soil.

Cover crops

Although they are often grown on farms, cover crops can also be used in gardens.

Biological control

Keep an eye on the behaviour of insects and mites in your garden.

Conserve water

Water your garden at the appropriate time of day.

Native Plants and Trees

One of the finest ways to coexist with nature rather than against it is by planting native plants and trees. You will have plants and trees that require less maintenance and energy to maintain and are healthier than alien species if you choose plant species appropriate to your region. Another advantage is that native birds, insects, and other wildlife can utilise the fruits, nectars, and habitat that these plants and trees give because they have evolved alongside native plant species.


Each year, more plants are added.


Each year, more trees are added.


More employees every next year

Tools and supplies

We sell what we believe in at LushBox Garden, just like with everything else. Our range includes tools that both beginning and experienced gardeners can utilise, including as hoses, watering wands, and gloves.

Nursery plants

LushBox Garden offers more than 1,000 different kinds of plants. There is a wide variety of flora here, from aquatic to perennial. Plants that are unique and exotic can add flair to your garden.